Lately, it seems as though I have been as sad as I have ever been while in recovery. Sometimes you do not realize how close you are to someone until they are gone. That was obviously the case with me and my buddy Joe. Saddness has certainly been the order of the day for me…
Category: Community
“Help me with my unbelief”
As I continue to deal with the shock of the loss of my best friend I find God putting timely scripture in front of me. Christian friends have been supportive in this way and for that I am grateful. When tragedy strikes it defies the ability to think with a finite human mind. I want…
Life’s a bitch…
and then you die. This saying could never be truer than it is for my dear friend who recently took his own life. He experienced many challenges throughout his life and he obviously decided he had had enough. I grew up with this guy. We had the same dreams and aspirations. We spent hours and…
Who’s in your space?
In a couple of weeks I will be delivering the keynote message to Ohio Northern University’s third year pharmacy students at the annual ONU Pharmacy Mentorship Dinner. The third year is a pivotal year in the life of a pharmacy student. It’s a time for these soon to be professionals to begin thinking about the real world and what they…
Great Thinking
“Walk with the wise and become wise, associate with fools and get in trouble.” These powerful words come from the book of Proverbs 13:20. When I read these words a week or so ago I thought to myself “one of the main differences in my life today compared to my life of addiction is the…