Category: Mentors

Go Together and Far

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.

— African Proverb —

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together…

Success and Old Guys

Success takes help.
Failure...we can do it alone.

— JMeyer —

Success takes help. Failure…we can do it alone…

Wise Man

The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.

— Proverbs 12:15 —

The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice…

Thoughts, Beliefs, and Sanity

Attempting to change our ways with the same beliefs and thoughts that got us to where we are is another definition of insanity.

— J. J. Meyer —

Attempting to change our ways with the same beliefs and thoughts that got us to where we are is another definition of insanity…

Strategic Mentors

The "I" in illness is isolation and the crucial letters in wellness are "we"

— Unknown —

The “I” in illness is isolation and the crucial letters in wellness are “we”

Be The Best Version

Don't let the opinions of the average person sway you. Dream, and they think you're crazy. Succeed, and they think you're lucky. Acquire wealth, and they think you're greedy. Pay no attention. They simply don't understand.

— Robert G. Allen —

Don’t let the opinions of the average person sway you. Dream, and they think you’re crazy. Succeed, and they think you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and they think you’re greedy. Pay no attention. They simply don’t understand…

A Dear Mentor

A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself and helps bring it out of you.

— Bob Proctor —

A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself and helps bring it out of you…

Success and Old Guys

Success takes help.
Failure...we can do it alone.

— JMeyer —

Success takes help. Failure…we can do it alone…

Great Understands

Don't let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you're crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you're lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you're greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn't understand.

— Robert G. Allen —

Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.

Ask For Help

The healthy and strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he's got an abscess on his knee or in his soul.

— Rona Barrett —

The healthy and strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he’s got an abscess on his knee or in his soul…