What’s in your soil?

Read Mark 4:1-20

I read the scripture above from the book of Mark during my morning devotion.  Whenever I read this scripture, I marvel at how well Jesus paints the picture of the importance of doing things the right way.  In essence he tells us we not only will reap what we sow, but the type of fertilizer we use in our “soil” determines the quality of the harvest we will have in life.  This parable is applicable to anything we attempt in life.

Jesus describes four types of people:

1.  Those who don’t get it and don’t want it.   (Comfortable in their own misery.)

2.  Those who want it and don’t get it.  (They see the light and are attracted to the light but are not willing to do what they need to do to change their soil…ambitious and somewhat lazy)

3.  Those who want it and get it, but it goes away and then they want it and get it, and then it goes away.   (Emotionally ambitious and not always lazy as they say “yes” to the right way but the way is not sustainable usually due to the fact they are not willing to rid their soil of old “crap”,  i.e. spaces, faces and places.  They may have a year where the crop is good and then a couple of years where the crop is bad and in-turn they never get ahead.)

4.  Those who want it and get it, and keep on getting “it” in multiples beyond their wildest imagination.  (These people say “yes” to the right way by making a decision to change the “soil” their life is planted in and then continue to expend effort in order to fertilize their soil on a daily basis…their “crops” continue to grow and get better and better.)

The bottom line is this.  If you want great things to happen with your life try planting it in fertile soil (God’s word) and expose and feed it with quality fertilizer (the people, places and things you put into your body, mind and soul.)

Getting it right is not rocket science, it is all about doing what you know you need to do in order to get what you know you want to have…one day at a time.

As with any habit, there are only two steps involved; start and continue.  

…as I’ve stated before, my blogs are written from personal experience and #4 is a much better place to be than 1, 2 or 3.



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