Victory over Victimhood

A wise woman wishes to be no one's enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone's victim.

— Maya Angelou —


In life we have a choice whether or not we want to be victims or victors.

A victim chooses to think “why me?” and stays stuck in his circumstance.  A victor chooses to think; “why not me?” and makes the absolute most out of his life.

A victim chooses to allow her attitude to be determined by other people, places and things.  A victor chooses to take control of her attitude.

A victim chooses to complain and consume.  A victor chooses to contribute and make a difference.

A victim chooses to think others are out to get her.  A victor chooses to think about what she can get for others.

A victim chooses comfort over challenges.  A victor chooses to believe new challenges lead to new victories.

A victim chooses to allow other people, places and things to control his destiny.  A victor chooses to control his own destiny.

A victim chooses to allow past losses and failures to paint her future.  A victor chooses to allow the desires in attaining future goals and dreams to paint her future.

A victim chooses to look over his or her shoulder wondering how much worse it will get.  A victor chooses to look down the road knowing it is only going to get better.

A victim chooses to search for an excuse for everything.  A victor chooses to search for a solution for everything.

A victim chooses to look downward and inward.  A victor chooses to look outward and upward.

When you get right down to it the primary difference between being a victim and a victor is a choice.

Who do you choose to be today?


Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

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