
John 14:27  (NLT) “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives.  So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

In the scripture above, Jesus is talking to a disciple explaining how he will leave believers with a gift (the Holy Spirit) once he leaves the world.  This supernatural gift gives believers the ability to have God inside of them.  And as Jesus states above, this gift gives us peace of mind and heart regardless of what is going on in the world around us.

If this is the case, why are there so many miserable (i.e. troubled and afraid) Christians?! 🙂

I was sitting in a class with several entrepreneurs a few weeks ago when one of them asked a question about how to be an entrepreneur and maintain balance in life.  Most of us agreed that the words entrepreneur and balance in life creates an oxymoron.  During a break I was speaking with a fellow Christian businessman who was also in the class and I said; “I’ve learned that balance and me don’t mix but I’ve learned how to have peace no matter how unbalanced things may appear to the world.”  He chuckled and said “that is the power of the Holy Spirit Jay.”

Many of us seek “balance” when we are really looking for peace for our Spirit.  Seeking balance from the world through other people places and things creates the “miserable Christian” effect I related to above.  I tried that many years ago and take my word for it…it does not work.  In fact gaining peace and balance from the world simple creates more chaos for our Spirit.

Over the years I’ve developed a way to have my Spirit at peace no matter what is going on.   ”  

  • It begins with defining my key roles and responsibilities and then turning them over to God every morning during my devotion time.  “God help me be the best person, husband, father, brother, son, leader, and friend that I can be” is what I normally pray, and then I get more specific with my prayer, depending upon what is going on within each of these priorities in my life.  
  • Then I ask God to help me control what I can control and to not let me allow other people, places and things disrupt my Spirit. 
  • Finally I ask God to give me the strength to not seek peace for my Spirit from the world.

If you find yourself out of balance with a chaotic spirit, try taking the 3 steps above and reading the scripture from John 14:27 every morning for 21 days.  Life is not about balance, it is about having peace of mind and heart no matter what the circumstance.


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