Your Clock is Ticking

The curious thing about life on planet earth is it never stops. It includes a clock that doesn't need batteries, winding or sunlight for energy. It just continues to run.

— JMeyer —

I jotted the thoughts below in my journal on a day I was reflecting on just how screwed up our world is.

The fact of the matter is our world has been screwed up ever since Adam and Eve chose to not listen to God.  Those of us living today only have our lifetime to compare it to.

Evil has been in a fight with good for a long time.

There are times I write blogs to myself as it serves as a gut-check.  My guess is these thoughts I jotted down were a challenge to myself, and who knows, maybe you need challenged too.


The curious thing about life on planet earth is it never stops.  It includes a clock that doesn’t need batteries, winding or sunlight for energy.  It just continues to run.

The clock of life is best run by living in reality and taking responsibility for your life.

Trying your best to live in a way that positively impacts others and the world. 

Choosing progress over perfection, helping instead of hindering, blessing instead of blocking, loving instead of hating.

Days stack upon days–weeks upon weeks–months upon months–years upon years.

Eventually the day arrives where your “alarm” will go off and you step into a new life no longer measured in minutes and hours. A new life with no limits…only infinite love, mercy, peace, understanding, and harmony, with rewards tied to how you lived when the clock of life was ticking.

How is your life clock looking these days? 

Are you living life or is it living you?

What will your after-life look like?

If you haven’t thought of these things…your clock is ticking.


Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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