
Psalm 57:7 “My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident.  No wonder I can sing your praises!” (NLT)

A few days ago I was talking with a young father as he shared openly about the challenges he has experienced with having a developmentally disabled child.  He knew I could relate because of our middle child Jordan.  This young man believed in God, but at one point said, “how can God let something like this happen to our children, when there are other parents less deserving that get perfectly healthy children?”

He continued to share with me how much of a blessing his daughter was and how his experiences with her had softened his heart and helped him grow as a human being and brought him closer to his wife.  I went on to relate my experiences to his and told him how my son Jordan had played a huge role in incenting me to get my crap together.  I then proceeded to ask my friend, “so do you need to know why God can let something like this happen?”  He chuckled and thanked me for pointing out the obvious to him.

Over the years I’ve tried my best to have confidence in God and His sovereign ways no matter what is going on.  This is an ever-evolving process; it is not a one-time event.  I have a practice where instead of wasting my time asking “why?” I invest my time in finding the “why.”  Because in every situation God can be found, after all, he is the maker of heaven and earth and all things in-between.

Are you struggling today and find yourself asking “why” to God more often than not?  If so, I suggest you start praying for God to reveal the “why’s” to you and the willingness to accept the “why’s” and you will slowly but surely begin finding the “why’s” on your own as your faith and belief in God’s infinite, and sovereign wisdom, continues to grow.  Answers to your “why’s” most often come through other people so be ready and willing to share and listen just like my buddy did a couple of weeks ago.

The goal is to not only quote Psalm 57:7 above, and “sort of” believe in it; but the goal is to undertand “why” you can have confidence in a God who doesn’t always do things that line up with your “why’s.”

Romans 8:28 is also quite useful in combatting the “why’s,”  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him…” (NIV)




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