Why Not Me?

Victors live with tenacious intent in the present, creating momentum toward a purposeful and meaningful tomorrow.

— JJ Meyer —

Over the course of my life, I’ve experienced first-hand the starkly different realities of victim vs. victor mentality. Choosing to plan, think and act like a victor takes intention, but I promise it’s worth the work.

Hear more on Episode 18 of the Higher Leading podcast. Access it on Apple iTunes here.



2 comments on “Why Not Me?

  1. Maureen Miller on

    Thank you so much for sharing. Your podcast was very inspiring. I’ll never forget how the Lord spoke to my heart many years ago when Bill and I learned that we would not likely have children biologically—something I had always desired, from the time I was a little girl. He said, “You are blessed in your barrenness.” Those words were a game-changer. I was able to walk with joy! I still walk with joy! Oh—And P.E.A.C.E.
    You and Lori are an inspiration!

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