Tales From The Trail – Doing

An object at rest stays at rest.

— Sir Isaac Newton —

The other day I was getting in a swim at the YMCA. On this particular day, my training called for interval swimming, which means I swim at a rapid pace and then take a short break, swim and break, etc.

During a break, a gentleman in the lane next to me asked me if I realized the pool would close in thirty minutes. I told him I did not know that.

He then went on a rant on how he couldn’t believe they would be closing the pool two hours earlier on weekends during the summer months. He was still ranting as I pushed off the side to start another interval.

My disgruntled swimmer “friend” during my next break continued his rant about the pool closing early. Again, I acknowledged his thoughts with a head nod and pushed off for another interval.

Finally, after taking a break before my last interval, my fellow swimmer said, “They will be coming to kick us out in five minutes.” At that point, I had 200 meters left in my workout and decided to swim as fast as possible to beat the closing time.

As I touched the wall on my final lap, my lane “buddy” was gone, and the lifeguard was standing above me to tell me very apologetically that they were closing.

I told him to stop apologizing and thanked him for being there as our region is experiencing a significant lifeguard shortage.

On my way home, I chuckled when I thought about my “swim lane neighbor” and his distress over the pool closing early. While he stood and complained about something he had no control over, I kept swimming and could get my full workout in. he most likely swam about one-quarter the distance that I did.

Moral of this thought from the trail…

Nothing gets accomplished by bitching, moaning, and complaining.

Much gets accomplished by doing.

The enemy loves to take us off track by luring us into the wonderful world of complaining about things we cannot control.

Philippians 2:14, “Do all things without grumbling or questioning,”




Plan – A dream remains a dream until you write it down. Putting your dream or goal in writing is the first step in creating a PLAN to achieve it. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Effort – Turning your dream/goal into reality requires a commitment to putting forth consistent and focused EFFORT toward executing your plan. Nothing great in life happens without working hard.

Attitude – The chances of achieving your dream increase exponentially if you believe you will achieve it. Remember that your ATTITUDE determines your altitude in all areas of your life.

Community – Nothing great in life happens by doing it alone. The chances of achieving your dream expand as your COMMUNITY of positive mentors and coaches expand. You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with–and yes, spending time with “people” through books and instructional videos factors into your “average.”

Energy – Chasing and achieving your dream requires optimal mental, physical, and spiritual ENERGY. So put your dream in God’s hands and nurture your mental and physical being.


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