The Year of the BHAC’s

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

— Solomon —

Please note…this blog was not supposed to be published until 12/01/18 but yours truly made a mistake. It’s now been published two days in a row…maybe the Big Guy knows there is someone out there who needed to read this post a couple of weeks early and more than one time.

Wow! It’s hard to believe it is December already.

It’s funny how vividly I am able to recall certain years in my life.

As a kid, 1968 stands out more than any other. Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated and our country was in the midst of a horrible war in Vietnam while hippies countered these evils with love, sex, rock and roll, and peace.

Me accomplishing my 2018 BHAG.

As an adult, I’ve had a handful of years that stand out in my mind but none so much as 2018. 2018 has been a very interesting year. I was able to accomplish a couple of big goals, one personally (Ironman Maryland) and one professionally (re-entry into pharmacy). Both of these accomplishments were my way of inwardly ‘flipping the bird’ at old age as I plan to exercise and work my brain until the day I die.

2018 is also a year where I watched my parents transfer from just being old, into the category of frail, elderly. I spent most of my professional life caring for the frail elderly through my pharmacy endeavors and I know they are on their final lap not far from crossing the finish line into eternal life.

They’ve had good lives. As I write this blog, my mom is 85 and my dad is 89. They’ve been blessed way beyond their wildest imaginations.

I’m not writing this particular blog in hopes of gaining sympathy. I’m writing this blog in hopes of turning your attention to the fact that life is short.

Why not make up your mind that 2019 is going to be a memorable year, in a positive way, for you?

You may be wondering why I’m writing this blog on December 1st instead of January 1st. Quite frankly, if you wait until January 1st to make your commitment list for 2019…your chances of accomplishing your 2019 commitment(s) are slim and none.

What do you want to do for yourself and/or others that will make 2019 memorable? It doesn’t have to be something as monumental (or stupid) as completing an Ironman Triathlon.

Maybe there is someone you need to forgive or seek forgiveness from.

Maybe there is someone you need to love.

Maybe there is someone who could benefit from your presence in their life.

Maybe there is a burning desire to express yourself through some form of art (one of my 2019 commitments is to learn and conquer the drums).

Maybe this is the year you change professions and/or start your own business.

Maybe you want to take a trip but don’t have the money, so 2019 is a year committed to saving the money in order to bring your dream trip to reality in 2020.

Whatever your 2019 commitment is, write it down in a journal and commit to reviewing it and turning it over to God on a daily basis while committing to taking one positive step toward the achievement of your commitment each week.

Please note–I used the word commitment in place of goals throughout this blog. Commitment just seems a bit bolder to me…just saying.

Let’s make 2019 the year of accomplishing our BHAC’S…Big Harry Audacious Commitments.


Proverbs 3:6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

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