
Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.

— Meister Eckhart —


Ever since I got sober, I have been spending quality time with God each morning, and each morning, I realize how far I have to go, so I start over.

and over

and over

and over

Starting over or starting a new beginning involves me surrendering my will to His and repenting for all of my mess-ups from the past twenty-four hours.

My repentance time sure has decreased over the years. 🙂


My will aligning with His will has increased.

It’s a daily process of a new beginning.

Where is God calling you to a new beginning?

If you aren’t already, spend time with Him each day, and He will help you figure it out.

2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”


P.E.A.C.E.ful Living

Plan – A dream/goal remains a dream until it is put into writing. Putting your dream or goal in writing is the first step in creating a PLAN to achieve it. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Effort – Turning your dream/goal into reality requires a commitment to putting forth consistent and focused EFFORT toward the execution of your plan. Nothing great in life happens without working hard.

Attitude – Your chances of achieving your dream exponentially increase if you believe you will achieve it. Always remember that your ATTITUDE determines your altitude in life.

Community – Nothing great in life happens by doing it alone. The chances of achieving your dream expand as your COMMUNITY of positive mentors and coaches expand. You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with…and yes, spending time with “people” through books and instructional videos factors into your average.

Energy – Chasing and achieving your dream requires optimal mental, physical, and spiritual levels of ENERGY. Put your dream in God’s hands and nurture your mental and physical being.

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