reVision and Thoughts*

Quality Thoughts = Quality Mind = Quality Life.

— JMeyer —

The other day I took some time to reflect on all the things that I had to be grateful for over the past year.

I’ve heard a lot of people use the term “dumpster fire” to describe 2020.

Although it was a year full of challenges, I choose to remember it as well as its predecessor, 2019, as personal refining fires.

The last couple of years have been a lesson in “loss” for me.

Sometimes it takes a loss or two or three or four to realize our gains.

The biggest gain for me in the last two years involved being “forced” to take the time to listen to my thoughts.

I don’t know about you but inactivity leads to me having to attend the board meetings in my head…and for the most part they aren’t very productive.

The other day Lori shared with me her scripture verse to guide her through 2021.

Her action prompted me to find a verse that I could use to keep my thinking on the straight and narrow throughout 2021.

God hit me with that verse during this past Sunday’s morning devotion time…

Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (Philippians 4:8)


There you have it.

My 2021 scripture verse.

I wrote it on a sticky note and placed it in my journal and I will read it and reflect on it at least two times a day.

Do you have a 2021 scripture verse?

If not, pray for one.

God will give you a verse.

A verse that will continue to refine you into the person He needs you to be.

I always write from experience.


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