Recovery Month – Day 25 – Truth and Consequences

You are free to make whatever choices you want, but you are never free from the consequences of your choices.

— Unknown —

September is National Recovery Month.

My blogs will focus throughout September on addiction and its life-destroying tendencies. The writings derive from my experiences of battling addiction and living a life of recovery.

About ten days into my rehab stay, reality hit me once again as an officer from the Drug Enforcement Administration came to Greene Hall to have a visit with me.

The DEA agent’s name was Fred, and Fred had no personality…go figure.

When I look back to that moment in my life, it is pretty blurry because I became very emotional when speaking with Fred. Despite the cloudiness of that moment, there are two moments within that moment that I vividly remember.

The first was when Fred said, “Jay if ever there was a time in your life where you need to be honest, that time is now.” What I didn’t know then that I know now was the DEA thought I was selling drugs because there were so many missing from the various pharmacies I worked.

Stealing and ingesting drugs is a crime; stealing and selling drugs is an even bigger crime.

If you’ve followed my story to this point, you will know I never stole drugs with the intent to sell them. I stole them with the plan to destroy my life…at least that was the devil’s intent.

The second moment was when I told Fred everything. I had never been so honest in my life.

This candid moment with Fred from the DEA was a significant action step in my recovery journey.

The proverbial monkey was finally off my back.

At that moment, the truth had freed me from the substantial emotional, guilt-laden burden I was carrying.

Today I know we are only as sick as our secrets.

But the truth had also set me up to face some significant consequences for my actions.

More to follow tomorrow.

John 8:32, “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”


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