This is a repeated writing from a few years ago.
The picture shows a nameplate on a bench strategically located on the bike/running path in Piqua, Ohio.
I often stop and stretch at this bench while on a long run.
I googled “George William Wenrick” and came up with nothing, but he impacted someone enough to give them the notion to provide a place to sit and take in the beauties of nature in his memory.
It’s safe to surmise that Mr. Wenrick was not a social media “influencer” with thousands of followers, as many strive to be today.
He was a potato farmer who significantly impacted at least one person who parlayed that impact into a bench in Mr. Wenrick’s memory. Now, that bench impacts hundreds, if not thousands, of people a year on the scenic bike trail in Piqua, Ohio.
Back to the opening quote…
Never think your assignment isn’t big enough to impact the world significantly.
Positively impacting one person’s life can create a ripple effect that goes way beyond one’s time breathing air from the earth.
After exiting this world, I hope to run into Mr. Wenrick somewhere on the streets of gold to thank him for his impact on me.
Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,” (ESV)