Pictures Part 2

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

— Albert Einstein —

This is a continuation of yesterday’s message…

I remember picturing having a loving and solid relationship with my wife and being a great dad to our kids.  I pictured being a good son, son-in-law, brother and friend.  In essence I was picturing everything I had allowed my addiction to steal from me.

Then I remember picturing myself standing on a stage speaking to thousands of people about the destructive nature of addiction with the hopes of preventing someone from going down the path I had chosen to walk, stumble, crawl and almost die on.

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Getting ready to speak at the 29th Annual Covington, 5th and 6th Grade Overnighter. The young lady with me in this picture was a participant at the first Overnighter in 1988 and is now an adult family group leader for the Overnighter.  #thecircleoflife

This past weekend my hometown of Covington, Ohio had its 29th annual 5th and 6th Grade Overnighter and I was the keynote speaker.

I was a part of the founding group of this event when I was eight months sober.

When we started the Overnighter we had one goal and that was to help our youth understand the importance of making healthy life choices.  Since its inception, well over two thousand young people have attended this event and they’ve all heard my story.

Since I’ve been sober, I’ve stood on several different stages, sharing my experience, strength and hope with tens of thousands of others.

But this post is not about me and what I’ve done.  It is about the gift of imagination God has given all of us and what He wants to do through us with that gift.

If you are thinking, “The last thing I want to do, is stand on a stage and witness to thousands of others,” you have it all wrong.  Your stage is your life and in your life you will interact with thousands of people sometimes without saying a word.

Picture what you would like these interactions to look like.

What pictures does God want to develop with you and through you?


P.S.  God’s blessings will more readily pour down upon the pictures we have about pleasing Him and others instead of ourselves…I write from experience.

Philippians 4:8, “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is nay excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”  (ESV)

Luke 1:37, “For nothing will be impossible with God.”  (ESV)


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