Eternal Compass

Our goals may help us succeed in this life, but Jesus' plans prepare us for eternity.

— Jeanette Levellie —


I borrowed the opening quote from a daily devotional I read.

For some reason, it jumped off the page of the book it was written in and buried itself in my soul.

I’m a dreamer.

I’m an inspirer.

I’m an agent of change.

Two critical parts of my life mission statement encourage others to dream and be more.

But what happens when our dream takes an unexpected turn?

What happens when we conclude that to be more, we need to be less?

What happens when the significant change we make in our lives is one we shouldn’t have made?

Thus, I have a third and most critical part of my life mission statement: “Inspire others to live in the Light more.”

If we first choose to live in His Light while chasing our dreams and working to become better versions of ourselves, nothing should be able to derail our journey.

Our journey may change course and encounter challenges and obstacles, but if we are walking in His Light, we must trust Him for the Life Compass that He is.


How often has my life become quite challenging because my dreams and changes to enhance my personal growth and journey depended on me, not Him?

Can you relate?


For those who call ourselves Jesus followers, our life on earth is a dress rehearsal for eternity.

A dress rehearsal that challenges us to change for the better while traversing our various journeys.

To become nobler, more helpful, more understanding, and more humble.

I still have some time to get this straightened out. 🙂

Isaiah 55:9, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”


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