Obscure Relevance – Separation

It must happen to us all...We pack up what we’ve learned so far and leave the familiar behind. No fun, that shearing separation, but somewhere within we must dimly know that saying goodbye to safety brings the only security we’ll ever know.

— Richard Bach —

The following is a writing from our Alaska trip two years ago.

Alaska Trip – Day One – June 23, 2016

IMG_0954Flying to Vancouver, British Columbia to catch a cruise ship to Alaska the next day…

Obscure/Relevance Topic:  Separation

The weeks building up to our trip involved much preparation for Jordan’s caretakers.  On this day Lori and I separated from Jordan and it wasn’t easy.

Being Jordan’s lifeline means he is a part of us and we are a part of him.  In order to go on this trip we each had to leave a part of us behind.

Jordan does not have the ability to process separation and knew no different until he was joined with his first caretaker, our daughter Michelle.  He simply added her to his heart.  He will do the same with our niece Krista and his caretaker Carrie.

Trips to new places is about separation.  Throughout our trip we will be separating ourselves from preconceived pictures in our heads to the true beauty before us.

It’s easier and safer to stay where we are.

God didn’t wire us to chase safe and easy.

There is no progress without separation.

Beauty and wisdom will not be expanded without separating from old pictures and thoughts.

Separation grows the heart, mind and soul…Lori, Jordan and I will be growing over the next two weeks.

Highlight of the day:  All flights were on time which afforded us a smooth separation from our usual reality to a new kind of reality.



Matthew 25:32, “All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate them as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.”  (NLT)

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