Moving/Climbing Mountains

Sometimes we are tested. Not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.

— Unknown —

Current Event

Our present journey with our beloved Jordan has taken a turn onto a challenging path.

For years Jordan has slept quite soundly.

Recently he has developed a pretty bad case of insomnia.

It’s one thing having insomnia as an adult. Still, although Jordan is thirty-five, he mentally functions at about the level of an eighteen-month-old, and for those of you who have raised children, you know what happens when an infant is unable to sleep; the entire family suffers…especially the mama bear.


What Lori and I are going through with Jordan is minimal compared to some of the mountains our friends are currently climbing.

This is not a call for help but a share of something I learned while going through this situation.

For the last couple of days, I’ve prayed in earnest for God to take away Jordy’s insomnia, and if anything, it has gotten worse.

Then the Lord moved me to listen to a podcast sermon from one of my favorite churches, and the message was focused on Jesus’s words in Matthew 17:20.

“He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'” (Matthew 17:20)


The pastor delivering my podcast message noted that we often misconstrue the scripture from Matthew 17 into thinking through faith and prayer, God will physically remove the mountains in our lives.

He stressed that God gives us the strength to climb over our mountains and eventually put them in our rearview mirror through vigilant faith and prayer.


My struggles with addiction led me to a point where going to God on my knees was my only hope. But, unfortunately, nothing happened when I finally surrendered and collapsed to my knees, asking Him to remove my addiction (mountain).

This caused me to give up on God as I turned my back on Him.

Then, a few months later, in a last-ditch effort, because I was losing my desire to live, I prayed the most powerful prayer of all time, “God help me.” The following day, my family intervened and helped me take the first steps in climbing my self-imposed mountain and moving it behind me for good.

I’ve heard stories of some addicts who prayed, and God relieved them of their addiction. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for me, and I’m grateful for that as I learned so much about myself and life while climbing over my addiction mountain.

God always knows what we need to become better human beings.

Back to  Reality

Moving mountains is all a part of our faith journeys.

In some instances, God moves them for us.

But, most of the time, God equips us to climb them and move them by putting them behind us.

The key is to keep praying and never stop climbing.

It is through the act of climbing over our mountains where we grow and become better people.


Lori and I have been climbing “Jordan mountains” for thirty-five years, so don’t worry about us; we will get over this one…even though we climb at a much slower pace in climbing clothes that fit us a bit tighter these days. 🙂

Whatever you are going through…

Keep praying.

Keep climbing.

Keep the faith.


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