Lap 65 and Making The Most of The Way it Is.

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. What you do with 'the way it is' makes all the difference.

— JMeyer —

Happy Day!

Today marks the completion of my 65th lap around the sun while living through 23,725 planet Earth rotations.


A week after my twenty-seventh birthday, our dear son Jordan was born. For the first hour or two of Jordy’s life, all systems seemed OK. Then, suddenly, everything went south, and he became deathly ill.

As most of you know, Jordan survived his illness but was left to live a life as a person with disabilities reliant on the care of others.

During the first eighteen months of Jordan’s life, I was in a deep state of “supposed to be despair.” Thoughts like, “This isn’t how it’s supposed to be, ” or “I was supposed to be the dad of two healthy boys,” permeated throughout the tissue inside my skull.

To numb the pain associated with my severe case of supposed to be, I began ingesting large amounts of opioids, speed, and barbiturates.

In essence, I refused to accept how it was because how it was was not how it was supposed to be.

Luckily, we all survived that dark period in our lives, and I learned so much from it, but none more than to live and make the most of my life one day at a time with no expectations, projections, or supposed to be’s.


God didn’t put us on this earth to take our laps around the sun in a supposed-to-be state.

He’s equipped us to make the most of the way it is in the moment.

Supposed to be is one of the many tapes planted by the devil in our brains.

Upon birth, God hands us an adventure that unfolds one day at a time.

An adventure where He encourages us to use Him as our guide.

An adventure where He will assist us in warding off the supposed to be’s.

An adventure where He will help us embrace reality and make the absolute most out of what is.

Honestly, I didn’t think I was supposed to be so achy while taking these latter-year laps. 🙂

Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”


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