BHAC Day 2 – Check Lists and Laziness

Making commitments to ourselves and following through on those commitments, is the most effective route to personal improvement

— JMeyer —

Hopefully yesterday’s post stirred your spirit.

I will be devoting the month of December to blogs that will stoke your spirit and assist you in achieving your BHAC(s) –Big Hairy Audacious Commitments–for 2019.

A couple of months ago I took a 360 degree leadership assessment. This is the third time I’ve gone through this process. In essence, I assess myself and those closest to me also assess my leadership capabilities.

One of the people who assessed me made a comment to the extent that, “Jay is very goal driven and sometimes it seems as though life is one big checklist to him.”

This comment was so spot on. I am very goal driven, but the reason I am goal driven is because it prevents me from being impulse driven. As a recovering addict, impulsive action is second nature to me, and that is not a good thing.

Personally, I believe goals give us freedom from the bondage of wayward behavior created by impulsiveness.

Our world is as impulsive and distracted as it’s ever been, so it’s important to counter it with personal goals.

One thing I do each night prior to going to sleep is I write ‘3 Big Goals’ in my journal for the next day. One of these 3 goals has something to do with the current BHAC I’m working on.

Give it a try, it works.


1 Chronicles 4:10,“Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.”

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