TCB 2023 – Check Lists and Laziness

Making commitments to ourselves and following through on those commitments is the most effective route to personal improvement.

— JMeyer —

Hopefully, yesterday’s post stirred your spirit.

I will devote the month of December to blogs that will stoke your spirit and assist you in achieving your BHAG through your Big 3 in 2023.

A few years ago, I took part in a 360-degree leadership assessment.

A 360 leadership assessment involves having those close to me give me input on my leadership style.

One of the people who assessed me commented, “Jay is very goal driven, and sometimes it seems as though life is one big checklist to him.”

I took that comment as a compliment.

Ever since I got into recovery, I’ve had a checklist that includes daily goals that assist in keeping me aligned with where I am going and what I am trying to do with my life.

Every morning, I kick off my checklist review with the following words from Paul…Romans 12:11, “Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.”

I’m good at being lazy, and being lazy gets me nowhere fast.

I’ve also become good at living off of a checklist–my checklist helps me overcome my desire to be lazy and assists me in giving my best to work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.

What tool(s) do you use to help you walk in daily alignment with your goals?


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