
We should not judge people by their peak of excellence, but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.

— Henry Ward Beecher —

I’ve mentioned before how I usually read a Proverb every day. There are thirty-one Proverbs so it’s a convenient way of continuously absorbing God’s word on wisdom into my heart.

I’ve been reading the Proverbs for at least twenty years which means I’ve read each one at least two hundred times.

What is so interesting is every time I read one it reads differently back to me.

Yesterday I read Proverbs 3 and Proverbs 3:7 literally jumped out and screamed at me…

Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom…


Back to the opening quote.

When it comes to personal growth. How much distance have you traveled from the point where you started?

This is a great question to ask yourself about any subject.

I’m still traveling.




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