Victory > Victimhood

There are really only two dimensions to the concept of attitude--you either behave as though you are a victim of circumstance, or you take full responsibility for your situation.

— Richard Rudd —

Quote Reflection

I used to play the victim role—what a horrible place to live.

I cringe when I look back to those days when my victim state of mind led me to believe other people, places, and things were the cause of ALL my problems.

Once I learned to live in the solution(s) instead of the problem(s) my perspective on life completely changed.

Our mindset (victim or victor) determines our perspective and our perspective plays a significant role in how we take on the challenges of life.

On July 26th, I have a podcast that delves into what it means to play the victor role instead of the victim…I’ve been on both sides of those tracks.

1 Corinthians 15:57, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”


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