First things First

Ephesians 6:10-11 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Recently I delivered the message at our church’s recovery service and I mentioned how important it is for me to start every morning in the word and in prayer.  After the service a young lady approached me and asked me if it was ok that she did her “morning” prayer and meditation later in the day because she worked 3rd shift.  I said “absolutely, the key is to give your day to God whenever your day starts.”

If we believe God is this all encompassing powerful force full of love and divine guidance, why would we not take a chance and turn our life over to him whenever we start our day? 

In the scripture verse above Paul tells us to put on the full armor of God in order to withstand the Devil’s schemes.  The devil knows when we haven’t put our armor on and he messes with us.  The devil’s schemes are too lengthy to list with this posting but I can tell you right now that the devil loves to pitch a tent in our minds and our thoughts.

In the book of Psalms, David says it all in 121:2, “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”  Duh…why wouldn’t we try tapping into this power early and often if we know he is the maker of heaven and earth?

One of the greatest things that has happened in my life is I’ve been able to live long enough to say to people, when asked “Jay how do you know Jesus is the answer?”  I simply tell them, “this is where Jay ended up by running with the devel at the age of 28; (bankrupted in all aspects of life) and this is where Jay is 24 years later after running with Jesus…”  The Lord knows I am not perfect today but I am a whole lot better than I was yesterday and Jesus is the answer. 

For me, it all started by creating a habit of turning my life over to the maker of heaven and earth one day at a time.

Give it a try for a year and see what happens.


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