3 Steps to Success

Success = knowing your purpose, knowing your boundaries, knowing your key daily habits, AND living them to the best of your ability one day at a time.

— JMeyer —

This is an oldie but goodie from a few years ago…

If you feel a bit off and apathetic, take an inventory of how well you are living the following critical pieces of your life:

  1. Purpose—Know your “why” and focus your energies on it/them. My “Why” is my family and those I help. I try my best not to waste my energy on people, places, and things that don’t add to the strength of my purpose.
  2. Boundaries – Know and live within your boundaries. I know who and what I can allow into my spirit, and I know who and what I cannot allow into my spirit. Pay attention to your spirit. When it becomes disgruntled and uneasy, trace those feelings back to their cause. For me, my spirit is not only dependent upon my boundaries but also upon number 3 below–my daily habits.
  3. Daily Habits – What daily habits bring you the most clarity, focus, calm, and peace? For me, it is morning time alone with God, at least an hour of vigorous exercise, avoiding gluttonous dietary habits, and listening to an inspiring podcast or reading a book that stretches my brain. You become your daily habits.

Sometimes, positive change is as easy as 1-2-3.

2 Corinthians 1:12, “For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.”




Purpose with a Plan – No matter how big or small, we all have a purpose. Your purpose lies at the intersection of your passions and your gifts. Find your PURPOSE and create a daily PLAN to help you fulfill it to the best of your ability.

Effort—Turning your dream/goal into reality requires a commitment to consistent and focused effort toward executing your plan. Nothing great in life happens without working hard.

Attitude—If you believe you will achieve your dream, your chances of achieving it increase exponentially. Remember that your attitude determines your altitude in all areas of your life.

Community – Nothing great in life happens by doing it alone. The chances of achieving your dream expand as your COMMUNITY of positive mentors and coaches expand. You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with–and yes, spending time with “people” through books and instructional videos factors into your “average.”

Energy—Living a purposeful life requires optimal mental, physical, and spiritual energy. Commit daily to nurturing your mental, physical, and spiritual self to provide the energy needed to live your best life on purpose.

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