
He who knows the darkness shall learn to live in the light.

— Anonymous —

God at Center-Mental PPTThis is the final reflection (Day 40) from my book  FEAR-PROOF

He who knows the darkness shall learn to live in the light.  ~Anonymous

If you haven’t figured it out, the devil will use every fear-based method imaginable to separate us from the light (God) and the rewards of living in the light.

I mentioned in my opening reflection that one of the devil’s favorite four letter words is “can’t.”  He loves to capture us in his fear-based world of “can’t.”

But when we try our best to walk with God, amazing things CAN happen and over the last 40 days I believe I could summarize God’s faith-based CAN’S into these 10 simple thoughts:

  1. We CAN love even when we don’t want to love.
  2. We CAN forgive others and ourselves, when the world tells us not to.
  3. We CAN give when we don’t feel as though we have anything to give.
  4. We CAN open our eyes, ears, hands, minds and hearts after years of being closed.
  5. We CAN have peace when the world around us is in turmoil.
  6. We CAN break free from our dependence upon people, places and things for our happiness.
  7. We CAN break the bondage from an addiction or a past life-event that has held us hostage for years.
  8. We CAN look physical and mental illness right in the eyes and trust God has our back, no matter the outcome.
  9. We CAN finally see God in a tragedy that once held us captive in hell.
  10. We CAN find ourselves living in a world of opportunities, solutions and fortunes instead of problems, turmoil and poverty.  A life with freedom, infinite possibilities and no end.

We begin to say “can do” because, “I know I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13).

He has risen so you CAN rise and have life; a new life where the Spirit of God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, lives in you.

We need to experience death and resurrection on a daily basis as we die to self and the fear-based world of “can’t,” and rise with God into the faith-based world of CAN…and say good-bye to fear (devil) and hello to faith (God) one day at a time.

It’s a much better place to live…I write from experience.

John 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.”



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