Faith and Why’s?

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.  To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”  ~St. Thomas Aquinas

Once I accepted the fact that there had to be a God that created the universe and all that is in it I found life to be a little easier to live because I quit playing God and when I don’t have to play God I have more time and energy to devote to my God-purpose (remember-2013 is the year of finding and executing upon your God-purpose).

Then when I studied the life of Jesus and decided to accept Him as being real…the kicker for me was when I read C.S. Lewis’, “Mere Christianity” and Lewis said something to the extent; “either Jesus was who He said He was or He was a lunatic and a liar.”  Seriously, do you think our entire reference point of time, i.e. B.C./A.D. would be set up based on a lunatic and a liar?

Then when I accepted the gift of the Holy Spirit (God living in me) because of my faith in Jesus and saw how I became much more peaceful and willing to accept life on life’s terms I truly began to reap the rewards of having true faith and my faith continued to grow and is still growing today.

I really like the quote by St. Thomas Aquinas above as I believe those of us with faith in a higher power are more able to stay focused on our God-purpose than those who don’t because we aren’t constantly requiring everything to make sense in order to have peace.

An evolution of faith in a higher power creates an evolution of a higher life where our “why’s?” and “why me’s” turn into “why not’s?” and “why not me’s?”


Hebrews 11:3, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

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