Dream Chasing

Proverbs 13:12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” (NIV)

I was speaking with a coaching client of mine the other day and he shared with me the joy he was feeling as he had achieved yet another goal in his quest toward achieving the dream he had envisioned for himself and his family a couple of years ago.

After speaking with him I thought I would jot down the “trail” of this particular client’s dream journey and this is what it looked like:

1.  Placed his dream in writing and reviewed it daily.

2.  Knew the dream would not develop if he didn’t change some things, especially his thinking, (i.e. he got out of denial and quit chasing his tail).

3.  He prioritized his life into four categories and developed a vision for each.  His four categories included; faith, family, finance and fitness.

4.  Began to surround himself with people with similar priorities who would help him achieve his dream.

5.  Created a plan (mission and goals) to achieve the dream.

6.  Began to read material and listen to audio books about others who had achieved their dreams.

7.  Turned his life and dream over to God to the best of his ability.

8.  Began turning his life and dream over to God on a daily basis (i.e. die to self, rise with the Lord).

9.  Developed a heart of gratitude and humility.

10.  Began to understand challenges were all a part of achieving the dream and behind every challenge was a new opportunity.

11. Eliminated all time wasters (i.e. television, worrying about what others are doing, internet, gossip, small talk that makes you smaller etc…)

12.  Developed an understanding of progress over perfection.  In other words daily improvement was more important than perfection.

13. Woke up to a plan for his life every day instead of waking up to a life with no plan (i.e. chaotic frustration).

If you are chasing a dream and feeling as though you are not getting anywhere; the thirteen activities above may be a good place to start.

Hmmm…that is all the “stuff” I started chipping away at years ago and I’m still doing today as my most recent $125 purchase of books from the Harvard Business Review will attest to.

And as a reminder there are two steps involved in order to chase your dream(s):  1.  Start  2. Continue




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