Play and Age Gracefully

We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.

— George Bernard Shaw —

Random thoughts percolated from the opening quote…

  • Damn, the past two years have been a drag.
  • There’s been lots of sickness, disease, and death happening to people who are close to me.
  • I broke my hip and had shoulder surgery.
  • There’s been this pandemic thing that seems to be finally slowing down.
  • I’ve never before seen the news media so set on dividing our country…what a waste of human energy. 🙁
  • The reality of it all is none of the above comes without aging.
  • Life still rolls regardless of everything that is going on.
  • I try my best to focus on living life and not allowing life to live me.
  • Every day upon rising, my body reminds me that I’m 62 years old, but by the time I’m done with my morning Slim/Spark drink, a protein bar, devotion/prayer time, and exercise, I’m back to thinking I’m in my 40’s.
  • No matter how many years I live, I refuse to let old in.

Shaw was so right…I’m going to keep playing regardless of what my life and body are trying to tell me.

Are you playing or just growing old?

Ecclesiastes 11:10, “So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body…”



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