Daily focalPOINT -Grateful For “Zig”

“The healthiest of all human emotions is gratitude.”  ~Hans Selye

Yesterday the world lost one of the wisest and most inspirational speakers and authors it has ever known in Zig Ziglar.

Zig was one of my very first “book mentors” and it was Zig who coined the term “Automobile University” and is why most car rides when I am alone today, consist of me listening to some type of educational/inspirational book.

The video below is one of my favorites from Zig and is worth nine minutes of your time as it is locked and loaded with some valuable nuggets on how to grow personally.

Zig Ziglar-Attitude Makes All The Difference (You Tube)

Zig has many inspirational quotes to his name but the one I saw many years ago in his best seller “See You at the Top”  has always been my favorite; “You can have everything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”

Thanks Zig, your legacy will forever live on through people like me who were moved and will continue to be moved by your wisdom.

I am saddened by your passing Zig, but grateful to have had you and will continue to have you as a “mentor.”

…also good to know you found Jesus way back in 1972…



Proverbs 11:14, “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.”

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