Whipping the devil – Day 43 – Rationalization

“When you rationalize, you do just that.  You rational lies.”

“Rational-liesers” are easy for me to identify today…it takes one to know one.

It is never a rationalizer’s fault.  Rationalizer’s usually go through friends like Grant went through Richmond and if you aren’t a history buff, another term I use is rationalizers do a lot of “friend hopping.”

Rationalizers stay stuck in the past and often their self talk and talk to others is in the form of, “if you only knew how bad I’ve had it, or you would do this too if you had my problems.”  Rationalizers love it when others feel sorry for them.

I could go on and on as in the final couple years of my using I was the ultimate rationalizer.  I was constantly rationalizing my behavior and looking for people who would buy into my life of rational lies.

Rationalizing is usually born from anger and of course anger is fear (devil) based.  The anger could be about something we’ve done or something someone else has done to us.  It doesn’t matter because the art of “rational-liesing” is developed from the continuous habit of rationalizing our wrong thoughts and behavior into “truth.”

Just like pride did to me, rationalizing darn near took me to my grave…right where the devil wanted me…and today I’m writing blogs in order to tick the devil off.

Today I know I have a God who wants us to give Him all our “wrongs and bad’s” regardless of their origin, so we have a shot at doing right and good.

The process begins by getting honest with yourself and a key step in getting honest with yourself is to seek wise counsel from one or two people you trust who will tell you what you don’t want to hear.  (Of course this requires honesty on your part in order for them to know all your story.)

Next, just like the action steps in conquering all the other fear based activities the devil uses to paralyze us, pray to God for the willingness to quit running from your problems (you), picture what a life of truth about yourself would be, plan your day around this new truth and practice, practice, practice.

From an experienced veteran at overcoming the art of “rational-liesing,”  …the more I’ve gotten honest with myself and God, the closer I get to the Tuth and the closer I get to the Truth the more effective my life has become.

John 8:32, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you know the truth and the truth will set you free.”



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