Whipping the devil – Day 26 – Unforgivableness

“Often there is but a fine line between experiencing peace on earth instead of hell on earth.  The line is called forgiveness.”  ~Jay Meyer

The burdens of resentment, shame and guilt are heavy loads to carry and the devil loves for our load to be heavy.

We carry resentments because we consider an act toward us or against someone close to us as “unforgivable.”

Shame and guilt are feelings created from what we believe are “unforgivable” acts of our own.

There is also a shame and guilt that appears in the form of a co-dependency problem where somehow we believe we were responsible for the abusive acts committed towards us by others.  This is a shame and guilt I often see with people who’ve been abused as children and/or adults as well as the spouses of those addicted to something.

Although resentment and shame are emotions we all are born with, how we deal with them determines our peace inside, and ultimately the road we travel in life.  The devil tries to get us to dwell while God tries to get us to move on.  Staying in a state of “unforgivableness” is simply deciding to live in hell on earth.

Don’t allow Jesus’ horrible crucifixion simply “die” in vain in your life.  Let it bring you new life, which is what it was intended to do.  You have to believe nothing ticked the devil off more than the resurrection of Jesus Christ but the devil wins if we do not allow Jesus’ resurrection to bring resurrection in our own lives.

Stop dwelling and start doing…Pray-Picture-Plan-Practice…forgiveness of yourself and others daily until it happens, and I guarantee it will happen, and then it will become a habit and your hell will be transformed into peace a day at a time…the devil hates peace.



John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only son…” (…so we can live in a state of “forgivableness.”)

Please pass this message onto someone you believe could benefit from it….

If you are looking for a place to network with others who are focused on taking their lives to the next level, please join us for “3rd Thursday-Personal Leadership Development” on March 21st at 6:30pm (start time is 6:45pm).  The meeting is located in the old HealthCare Pharamcy building outside of Covington, Ohio (8262 W. St. Rt. 41).  Enter through the back doors and be prepared to be challenged and to grow!  Tell a buddy, bring a friend.

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