Daily focalPOINT – Trails, Legacy, Digging or Building

Life is so strange.  Once you get it figured out (if you ever do) you die or get dementia…

This thought came to mind while doing my devotion yesterday morning.

As a person in recovery we are taught to live in the moment in order to not let our past lives or the fears of the prospects of the future paralyze us.  What many fail to think about, whether in recovery or not, is what our actions in the moment will create for our future life and as we move ahead what type of “trail” will our actions in the moment create for others to walk on.

If you died tomorrow would your kids and your kids’ – kids’ be strapped with blessings or strapped with crap?

Although the Bible says the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.  I must say the love of self and the “world” and all the crap it creates is a close second.

Make up your mind today to create a legacy of blessings and it simply begins by doing the right thing in the moment followed by doing the next right thing and so on.

When you get right down to it.  All of us are either digging a deeper hole to hell or building a better future to eternity–a day at a time.

If you are stuck and feel as though the trail you are on and the trail you are leaving behind you is not good, change will happen if you choose to change.  It begins with what you put in your mind through the books you read, the T.V. you watch and the people you hang out with.  I’ve also found that my serenity and desire to build a positive legacy are directly proportionate to how much time I give to seeking out and listening to the Lord.

…this is a process, not an event…and I am living proof you can stop digging and start building at any point in your life…



Proverbs 8:35, “For whoever finds me (wisdom/God) finds life and obtains favor from the Lord, but he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death.” (ESV)

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