Daily focalPOINT – Dare

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.”  ~Seneca

I write quite often about the devil’s favorite four letter word-can’t, but there is another word that starts with a C that he also enjoys watching us use.  This other C word is “comfort.”

At the core of both of these C words is fear.  The devil uses fear in order to keep us immobilized.

Most difficulties in our life arise because we refuse to go outside our comfort zone and confront the issue.  We either think we can’t or we’ve become comfortable even when our “comfort” is misery.

What is one thing you need to do that you are refusing to do?  What do you think about every day, yet refuse to act upon?  Does a relationship need healed?  Does a habit need broken?  Does a budget need to be created?  Is there something you need to ask your boss? Is it time to look for a new job?  Do you need to spend more time with your spouse and kids?  Is there a relative you need to visit?

Make a decision now to “dare” into the world of can and uncomfortable…your self-inflicted difficulties will slowly fade away.

Life is not about comfort it is about growth otherwise it would not be called life.



1 Chronicles 22:13, “Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the Lord gave Moses for Israel.  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouarged.”

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