This was a challenging Lenten season for me.
On February 5th, I received a call from my brother that my mom had fallen. Unfortunately, we soon learned she had broken her leg and needed surgery ASAP.
My years in serving the frail elderly (my mom was almost 90 and weighed 85 pounds) while practicing pharmacy told me she had a tough battle ahead of her.
For six weeks, with the help of the Lord, mom battled.
On top of the broken femur, she was full of arthritis.
She had moments when logic told her there was no reason to try, but her faith in God told her to keep trying.
You see, she had set a goal to be back in church on Easter Sunday.
She took on rehab in a way that was surprising to us all.
That goal drove her.
Suddenly complications set in, and God saw fit to have her sitting next to Him in His church on Easter morning.
Mom had tremendous faith in God.
When logic told her to give up, her faith told her to keep trying.
I feel so blessed to be shown a side of mom I had never seen before. A side that told her to trust God and put forth her best effort to the bitter-sweet end.
With Jesus, no matter what we are battling, in the end, we ALWAYS win.
Mom won.
I won by watching and admiring her for years–right to the bitter-sweet end.
How’s your faith?
What is the world and logic telling you not to try doing?
What things is the world attempting to tell you you cannot do?
He has risen, so we CAN rise and have life–a new life where the Spirit of God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, lives in us.
He has risen so we may live in a world of CAN where…
1. We CAN love even when we don’t want to love.
2. We CAN forgive others and ourselves, even though our spirit is saying, “No! Don’t do it!”
3. We CAN give when we don’t feel like we have anything to give.
4. We CAN open our eyes, ears, hands, minds, and hearts after years of keeping them closed.
5. We CAN have peace when the world around us is in turmoil.
6. We CAN break free from our dependence upon people, places, and things for our happiness.
7. We CAN break the bondage of an addiction or a past life event that has held us hostage for years.
8. We CAN look our illness right in the eyes and trust God has our back no matter the outcome…can you say Beyond Our Belief, i.e., Bob?
9. We CAN see God in a tragedy that once held us captive in hell.
10. We CAN find ourselves living in a world of opportunities, solutions, and fortunes instead of problems, turmoil, and poverty, a life with freedom, infinite possibilities, and no end.
We CAN do all the above when we live in the light and understand we are running a marathon and not a sprint–a marathon that ends with a beautiful beginning in eternity.
See you in a little while, Mom.
“I know I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13).
John 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.”