Crushing Fear – Day 42 – Rational-liesing

When you rationalize, you do just that. You rational-lies.

— JMeyer —

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Another action born from fear is rationalizing.

Rationalizers, e.g., rational-liesers, are easy for me to identify today because I used to be the ultimate rationalizer.

From my personal experience as a rationalizer…

Rationalizers fear or try to avoid reality, so they twist it.

It is never a rationalizer’s fault.

Rationalizers love to get others to feel sorry for them.

Rationalizers’ self-talk and talk to others is often in the form of, “you don’t understand,” or “if you only knew how bad I have it,” or “you would do this too if you had my problems.”

A rationalizer will go to great lengths to find someone who agrees with their point of view.

Rationalizers love it when others feel sorry for them.  They are the ultimate victims.

Rationalizers often turn on those who don’t buy-in to their BS.


In the final months of my addiction journey, I was the ultimate rationalizer.  I constantly rationalized my behavior and looked for people who would buy into my life of “rational lies.”

Like my problems with pride, rationalizing nearly took me to my grave…right where the devil wanted me.

Thank God I had a wife who didn’t buy into my rational-lies.

Today I know I have a God who wants me to call on Him for help because He wants me to be a victor and not a victim.

Victors seek the Truth and try their best to live in it with no need to twist it.

Victims create their own truths and end up running from the real Truth.

John 8:32 (NIV), “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


What beliefs, thoughts, and actions cause you to struggle with rationalization?

Additional Scripture to read and reflect upon:  Proverbs 12:22, Psalm 145:18, John 16:13


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