Crushing Fear – Day 38 – Sloth

Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good.

— Malcolm Gladwell —


I know I’m running out of time on earth, and the last thing I want to do is waste time.

In his book “Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell researched and studied the world’s most outstanding performers in all types of capacities and activities. He found that natural talent was not the reason people are successful; talent is helpful, but success evolves from focused, repetitive effort.  He found those who practiced or worked at least 10,000 hours were the greatest at what they did.  Gladwell said my beloved Beatles logged thousands and thousands of hours in bars and clubs before ever hitting the big time.


The devil loves lazy people; what good is generated by being lazy?

As I noted a few weeks ago, fear of failure often causes us not to want to try. 

We create excuses.

We procrastinate.

We sit and wait and wait and wait and wait.

Then “sloth” sets in, and we become comfortable in our lazy ways, and our fear of failure multiplies.


God desires us to be people of action. Great things come about when we take action and bring God along.

If you find yourself more of a sloth than a doer, decide to turn your life over to God and ask Him to give you the courage, energy, strength, and willingness to do….SOMETHING…ANYTHING.

An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion (with God’s help) will stay in motion. 

Proverbs 13:4 (NIV), “The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.”


What beliefs, thoughts, and actions cause you to become a sloth?

Additional Scripture to read and reflect upon: Colossians 3:23, Ecclesiastes 9:10


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