Crushing Fear – Day 21 – Perspective

Waste is life without any depth of perspective, as it is lived from a very shallow point of view.

— JMeyer —


Many emotions derived from fear can be traced back to having a narrow perspective on life.

The current state of affairs in our nation’s capital is due to our country’s ongoing belief that there are only two sets of lenses through which to view the world–a red set or a blue set…so sad that people choose to live in such narrow lanes.

My Observation

The shallower our perspective, the better our chances of taking things personally, judging others, worrying, having anxiety issues, being racist, being control freaks, being bigots, making mountains out of molehills, being moody, pouty, or being downright miserable from a physical, emotional, and spiritual point of view–all by-products of the devil having too much rule in our lives.


God encourages us to care about others.

God wants us to be open and broad-minded.

God wants us to see possibilities.

God not only has ALL the answers, but His world has no limits and no end. His world is infinite, which is larger than large.

Perspective Keeper

Years ago, I was blessed with the ultimate “personal perspective keeper” in our son Jordan.

Jordan is developmentally disabled; although he is an adult, he functions at about the level of a two-year-old.

When the devil has a good grip on my mind, and I am focused on Jay and Jay’s world, Jordan will divert my attention in ways only Jordan and the Good Lord know will work.

I’ve learned that people like Jordan are built the way God created Adam and Eve before sin took over the world.

Love and acceptance of others fuel Jordan, and none of the “crap” the devil tries to pull all of us “normal” people into ever affects him.

He is immune to hate and fear.

Jordan sees life from God’s point of view.  (Re-read my quote at the beginning of this post.)


The best way to broaden our perspective is to strengthen our “love muscles,” and the best way to strengthen our “love muscles” is by getting out of ourselves and helping others…Lori and I have been blessed with someone who’s strengthened our “love muscles” daily for over thirty-seven years. 🙂

A Conversation in Heaven

I am looking forward to the day Jordan and I are in heaven, where I know he will be able to talk and understand what I am saying when I say, “Thank you, son, for, without you, my life would have been quite limited and narrow.” I am anticipating his response: “No big deal, Dad, I was simply being what God has called us all to be.”

1 John 4:10-11, “This is real love–not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love one another.”


What beliefs, thoughts, and actions cause you to struggle with perspective?

Additional Scripture to read and reflect upon:  John 13:34-35, Colossians 3:14, 1 John 4:7



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