Crushing Fear – Day 24- Inferior

Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

— Eleanor Roosevelt —


Another state arising out of fear is feeling we are inferior to others.

My Observation

When we fail or experience setbacks, the enemy often makes us think we are inferior.

Stated differently, we fear trying because we already “know” we will fail because we’ve “always” been inferior. This often turns into a vertiginous (look that one up) 🙂 …cycle–a cycle the devil loves for us to jump on and ride around and around and around…for a lifetime.

The Depression

My dad was a young child during the Great Depression. As a result, he experienced heartaches and setbacks that I’ll never comprehend.

His family lost their home. His dad worked three and four jobs to keep food on the table.

In essence, he was raised in poverty.

My dad went on to do some amazing things in his life, but he always felt inferior…until he got serious about the Lord in his later years.

His conversion didn’t cause him to view himself as superior to anyone, but I noticed that his episodes of cutting himself down were fewer and farther between.

His faith in God made him realize that God didn’t create inferior people.


After I retired from my pharmacy career in 2010, I decided to hold visioning classes for anyone interested in taking their life to the next level.

I coupled scripture with the elements of my P.E.A.C.E. acronym, and we met for two hours once a month, on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

About three years into my 3rd Thursday journey, my dad asked if he could participate.

Nothing made my heart smile more than watching my dad take notes as I taught him the power of having a purpose and a vision for his life.

He was eighty-four and growing.

He was no longer fixated on feeling inferior.

He was following his Superior.


As I noted in a writing a few days ago, God is a God of abundance and wants us to either broaden our lanes or get out of them and explore new lanes.

Feeling inferior keeps us in a narrow lane, a lane the enemy encourages us to remain.

The longer I live, the more I realize that life is one big lesson, and the really “big” lives with multiple lanes are built by choosing to take on feelings of inferiority head-on.

We take them on by turning them over to the One who is Superior to all, one day at a time.

Seek Him and Live Big.

Matthew 6:33 (NIV), “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


What beliefs, thoughts, and actions cause you to struggle with fear of failure or feelings of not being good enough?

Additional Scripture to read and reflect upon 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 118:6


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