Content and Wealth

He is rich who is content with the least; for contentment is the wealth of nature.”  ~Socrates

Several days ago I made a subtle “shout out” post to my wife Lori and it went something like this; “The richest people I know, need the least.”  #mywifeisrich and then I stumbled across the quote above by Socrates and of course he said what I was trying to say in a much better way.  That is why he is known by one name and I’m known by names that are dependent upon the person who is talking about me.  🙂

My wife has taught me many lessons over our 35 years of spending time together but there is no greater lesson she has taught me than how to be content in all situations.

Through her I have figured out that the way to abundant living is attained by taking a road called “simple” with your eyes, mind and spirit wide open in order to take in all the beauty along the way…yep, she’s an artist too.

Thank you Dear.


Philippians 4:11-12, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”  (ESV)



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