Values Caution

What you value determines right where you are in life.  ~JJM

Yesterday I shared with you some key information about what it takes to create clarity around the vision for your life.  Naming and living our core values helps define who we are and where we are going.

Please note that finally taking the time and writing down some core values and making a decision to live them will not automatically make all the bad decisions of the past stay away.

For example, let’s take a look at the alcoholic and/or drug addict, since I am one I am able to write from experience.  The day I decided I didn’t like the way I was living and began to change what I valued was not the day I stopped taking drugs and drinking.  I made this decision in 1984 but it took me 3 years to put the stuff down for good.  Why?  Because I had a disease that created a compulsion that I had no control over.  My change in values could not stop the compulsion.

I tried overcoming this compulsion on my own because I didn’t want anyone to know about my problem and this darn near killed me.  It wasn’t until I sought help that I was able to slowly overcome the compulsion to drink and drug.  BUT the fact that my values had changed and I no longer wanted to live the way I was living had created a stir in me that allowed me to get well and also created the path for a new vision in my life…thus the power of values.

A similar example would be that of a person who has high blood pressure and/or diabetes from poor eating habits and they’ve declared a new value of “treating the body like a temple and eating and exercising right.”  The hypertension and diabetes does not go away overnight just because this person has declared a new core value, but the core value will drive behavior and create a new vision for this person’s life.

Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”


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