Gratitude and Putting Our Blessings Into Action

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.

— W.T. Purkiser —

When I saw the opening quote I was immediately reminded of an experience where I witnessed, first-hand, someone sharing their blessing with others.

As most of you know, we lost Lori’s dad (Jim) almost three weeks ago and two weeks ago on this day was his funeral. Early in the funeral service, we all sang, “How Great Thou Art.” “How Great Thou Art,” is an absolutely beautiful song with meaning that connected directly to Jim’s way of living.

Early into the song, I heard a gentleman behind me with the most incredible voice singing along with the rest of us. Personally, this guy’s voice took “How Great Thou Art,” to an entirely different level of beauty. It caused the tears I was trying to hold back, to flow freely. The tears I was holding back were tears of sorrow the tears that pushed them to flow freely were tears of joy.

Our blessings are not given to us to keep, they are given to us to share.

Who is waiting for you to share your blessings with them? Who needs their sorrow turned into joy?

Have a Wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Psalm 100:4, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise!  Give thanks to him; bless his name!”  (ESV)



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