Every Day Do’s and Pictures

Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.

— Elbert Hubbard —


As I’ve noted many times in my EagleLaunch blogs, our mind is so powerful, whether through the things we imagine or the stories we tell ourselves.

Training your mind for the accomplishment of your 2025 BHAG is so essential.

Blast from the past…

The accomplishment of my 2018 BHAG-completing Ironman Maryland was a lot of mind over matter.

Throughout 2018, I became more aware of my thoughts than ever before.

Quite frequently, I found myself battling the mental barriers of what I was trying to accomplish more than the physical ones.

A technique I utilized to help me overcome the lies my thoughts were generating was to picture myself running across the finish line at Ironman Maryland with my fingers pointed to the sky in thanks for all the amazing things God had done with my life.

A result of being willing to get uncomfortable.

That picture/thought got me through the long swims, long runs, long bike rides, long days, and aching body parts, but most of all, the thoughts of whether or not it was worth it.

Is the accomplishment of your 2025 BHAG “worth it?”

Have you pictured your life’s appearance after you’ve achieved your 2025 BHAG?

As Elbert Hubbard notes, “Know what you want to do, hold your thoughts firmly, and do what should be done daily. Every sunset will see you that much closer to your goal.”

I found this true with so many of my BHAGS through the years.

Isaiah 32:8, “But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand.”



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