Aspirations and Habits

Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be.

— Robert Brault —


Tomorrow starts another season of Lent.  Although I’m not into man-made religious rites, rituals and ceremonies, the Lenten season has become a time for me to re-focus my life by denying myself of something my flesh desires in order to draw closer to God and take action on what He desires.

There are 47 days in the Lenten journey.  It begins with Ash Wednesday which is tomorrow and ends on Easter Sunday (April 5th).

Christians take this time to show respect toward Jesus and His 40 day fast in the wilderness.  It was through His fast where he actually became stronger and more focused and was able to fight off the devil’s temptations…a great example of what we need to be able to do.

If you aren’t a Christian, no problem, please join us and make a commitment to fast a habit that is getting in the way of you becoming all your Creator has made you to be.

Anyway, we are going to take a journey of fasting/starving negative habits one day at a time during this 2015 season of Lent and I will be throwing in some free coaching along the way.

Back to the quote above…

Never mind searching for who you are.  Search for the person you aspire to be. 

During our HabitFast Journey I encourage you to get a notebook or journal and devote a section of it to your 2015 HabitFast Journey.  At the top of the first page write down the person you aspire to be and the one or two habit(s) you need to conquer in order for you to have the best chance of becoming that person. And then we are going to work on starving that/those habit(s) one day at a time for 47 days and on April 5th (Easter) we will say hello to a new, resurrected you!

More details to follow tomorrow.


Colossians 3:10, “Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.”  (NLT)


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