Crushing Fear – Day 12 – Self Doubt

Success is not stymied by failure as much as it is by having self-doubt left unattended.

— Jay Meyer —

DSC_5827I don’t watch T.V. that often but I really enjoyed watching American Idol.  And I heard they may be bringing it back!  Don’t judge me… 🙂

The reason I always enjoyed American Idol is because I get a big charge watching people confidently whip their fears and self-doubts by giving their best in front of a world-wide audience.  You don’t make it to the finals of American Idol unless you’ve learned how to face fear and self-doubt.

Self-doubt is another feeling born out of fear and the more the devil can get us to doubt ourselves the less we will accomplish.  Failure is not the reason dreams don’t come true, doubt is.

Self-doubt is conquered by taking action and action means prayer and lots and lots of practice.

Today I know the difference between living in doubt or living in confidence is courage born from a faith in a God who always wants us to succeed.

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV), “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”


What beliefs, thoughts and actions cause you to struggle with self-doubt?

Additional Scripture to read and reflect on:  Proverbs 3:26, 2 Corinthians 3:5, Isaiah 41:10


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