Loving Discipline

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

— Proverbs 12:1 —

I’ve been a life-long learner but in spite of my desire to learn and grow, I’ve never enjoyed being corrected.  I don’t know if anyone does, but being able to handle correction is a key component in the success formula.

I played high school and college basketball for two of the biggest ‘corrector’s’ I’ve ever known.  During their moments of correcting me I felt humiliated and ticked off but in the end I knew they were trying to make me the best player I could be.  Both of them played key parts in molding me into the man I am today.

I read Proverbs every day and when I read the Proverb yesterday the opening verse (12:1) literally JUMPED out at me…HE WHO HATES CORRECTION IS STUPID.

Are you stupid or wise?

Do you know ‘it’ all or do you surround yourself with people who will help you know ‘it’ better?




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