Less is More

“Do you wish to rise?  Begin by descending.  You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds?  Lay first the foundation of humility.”  ~Saint Augustine

We just went through the seven week season of Lent and for those of you who followed the HabitFast Journey tips of praying, preparing, planning and journaling you have hopefully created a new habit in your life.  The habit I am referring to is the habit of allowing God to take a lead role in all you do.  Lent is about making a little bit less fuss about ourselves and more about God and time spent with God on an ongoing daily basis will allow God and His powers to rise up through our lives..

In the quote by St. Augustine above he succinctly shares the key to “rising.”  I don’t know about you, but I struggle with being “less than” anyone or anything.  My guess is as humans some of us are wired to want more and to be more, but when we allow God to enter the picture, life becomes less about us and more about Him and then our life begins to rise and become more…I write from experience.

Jesus came in the flesh and demonstrated how this process (true humility) works and through His death and resurrection we are given the gift of His Spirit (Holy Spirit) and we have access to it 24/7.

Thus my favorite AA saying, “I can’t, God can, I think I will let Him.”

Proverbs 22:4, “Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life.”  (NIV)



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