
Dreams are wonderful. I've always been a dreamer. But a dream is simply a picture of a future desired state. Anyone can dream because it takes little to no work.

— JJMeyer —

Having a dream is great but it will remain doormat until we create a plan.

Putting a plan together takes work but does not guarantee the achievement of the dream.  I’ve helped organizations create some amazing plans over the years with very little results because they forget to execute them.

If we want to achieve whatever it is we are dreaming we must make a decision to journey into the unknown.  Journey, in this context, is a verb.  To journey, takes action.

Setting out on a journey to achieve a dream is an entirely different proposition when compared with dreaming and planning.  Starting the journey is the first step.  Continuing on the journey is the second and final step.  Both steps require courage and discipline.

If there is something God keeps nudging you to do and you keep putting it off, maybe it’s time to put into words what He is encouraging you to do and instead of putting a beautiful plan together, simply pray for the courage and discipline it will take in order to start and continue the journey of chasing God’s nudge.


Proverbs 12:11, “He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.”  (NIV)


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