Crushing Fear – Day 46 – Desert

Your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them.

— Unknown —

DSC_8532Over 2000 years ago, on the day after Jesus was crucified, I picture those who were Jesus followers being in a state of shock having no clue what had just happened to their King.

I often view the day between Good Friday (darkness) and Easter (light) as a desert day.

I believe it is safe to say we’ve all experienced ‘desert days’ in our lives.

You know what I’m talking about, we’ve finally come out of our darkness, we’ve seen the Light and want to follow the Light, but suddenly the Light becomes shadowed, distant, confusing and clouded.  Sometimes a fog sets in and we can only see a few feet in front of us.

I’ve had desert times in my life but none worse than the two or three years I spent trying to get my life on track after I had decided to get into recovery.  I was thirsting for a new Solution while the devil was tempting me with ‘the old dark way.’  Some days I couldn’t tell darkness from Light.  But for some reason I kept trusting that the Light would overcome the darkness (John 1:5).

I have to think there were many Jesus followers on the day after Good Friday having second thoughts and questioning whether or not Jesus was their Solution.

This is where our faith comes in.

Sometimes the only way to survive the ‘desert’ is to walk straight through it while quenching our thirst for the Solution with lots and lots of faith.  This worked for me thirty years ago and it still works today.

Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.”


Do you struggle with keeping your faith during ‘desert moments’ in your life?  If so, what do you need to do differently so the moments don’t turn in to days, weeks, months and years?

Additional scripture to reflect upon:  1 Corinthians 10:13, Ephesians 6:16, Matthew 8:26, Matthew 17:20


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